Complex Co was awarded The Dickson Precinct Upgrade of Woolley Street Dickson at the Cape St and
Badham St along with The Woolley Street Plaza. These completed upgrades have made Woolley Street
a safer, more accessible and attractive destination for both locals and visitors.
Project Features
- Civil earthworks including re-grading of ground
surface for drainage improvements
- Road narrowing: Typical 5.4m wide lanes at the
northern end of Woolley Street was reduced to
3.5m, and the western lane typically reduced in
width from 3.8m down to 3.5m
- Construction of intersection upgrades including
pedestrian priority crossings, kerb and median
removal along with the removal of 12 car spaces
- Construction of the raised road level along the
length of the Woolley St Plaza space,
lengthening of the raised crossing at the Badham
Street intersection
- Construction of New Kerbing
- Construction of New Pavements
- Construction of New Line Marking
- Improved Lighting Facilities including Feature Lighting
- Landscaping components including WSUD raindgardens,
tree planting, shrub planting, new verge pavements,
seating nodes and outdoor play space